Points To Consider To Improve Your Sense Of Style

Points To Consider To Improve Your Sense Of Style

The last couple of year have been unlike any other in human history. Everything from the places we work and vacation to the people we can meet and the activities we can partake in has undergone radical transformations. The way we think about what we wear on a daily basis has also undergone a change, albeit one that is less central.
We've all made poor choices when it comes to our wardrobes, whether it's keeping out-of-style items or rushing out to buy something that won't receive more than one wear. 

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In this article, we outline a few wardrobe-related goals that you can work toward right now to free up space, cut costs, and upgrade your style.

Avoid buying items that will only be used once

The truth is, we're all guilty of it at times. A Friday night get-together with old pals, a wedding reception, a birthday bash. When we're getting ready to go somewhere new and exciting, we always feel like we need to get a brand new outfit. While we may enjoy the item we purchase initially, it is rare that it will be used more than once.


Avoid purchasing or keeping items that are too big or too small

Many people keep clothes that no longer fit them in the vain belief that they may shrink back to size. It's also normal to buy an item that is one size smaller than usual as a motivation to slim down or because the store is out of your regular size but has a bargain. One of the worst things you can do if you're attempting to reduce the size of your wardrobe is to hang on to things you can't wear. Think rationally and truthfully about your situation. Donate or sell it if you find that you no longer need it.

Discard or return any item that doesn't serve your needs

Many of us also keep items that we know don't look well on us, even if they technically do fit. A lot of the time, we'll buy something on a whim because it's the latest fad or because we saw someone else wearing it and thought they looked great, but then we'll never wear it because it doesn't work with our body type. No article of clothing is worth keeping if it doesn't boost your self-esteem and make you feel great.

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Make an attempt to explore unfamiliar brands

Another reason we tend to repeat our same looks is because we develop strong loyalty to our favorite stores. It's wonderful to have tried-and-true favorites that you know will hold up well, but there are always fantastic new ones to try.

Grab the stylish outfits from Dresslily.

Get together with your trendiest pals and trade wardrobes

Trading clothes with friends is a fun and easy way to update your closet. Take advantage of the "one in, one out" rule by exchanging an item you haven't worn in months for one that a friend no longer finds appealing.

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Finley Ted is a New Jersey based fashion journalist and stylist. She covers the newest trends, designers, and fashion events with an eye for detail and a passion for all things trendy.

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